Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy
Simple tips that might be worth trying for morning sickness..
Lack of fluids can make morning sickness/nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (NVP) worse so it’s ideal to stay well hydrated. If you are peeing only once or twice a day please check in with your Lead Maternity Carer (midwife, obstetrician) or GP.
Blood sugar stability is also really important and may affect nausea during pregnancy. To counter this…
Eat protein with every meal, eat small amounts often (every couple of hours). If you wake during the night, eat something.
Even though the idea of food might make you feel nauseas, from what I have seen clinically, women often find that eating eases their nausea during pregnancy.
Rest when you are tired or whenever possible and embrace naps.
Clinically, I have seen NVP symptoms become more manageable with a combination of these factors and acupuncture. More research is needed however.
Coconut water may help with hydration (fresh is always best). Drink plenty of water. Focus on nutritious, cooked (rather than raw) foods that are easily digested like rice congee and soups (see recipe section - Miso broth can be a great nutritious snack and is often tolerable with nausea) (Farrell & Erlich, 2012).
Teas such as mint, chamomile, ginger, or mei gua hua (baby rose) are thought to be hydrating. If needed add honey and good quality natural salt for extra rehydration.
Other teas that may be useful - dried or fresh citrus peel (i.e. dried mandarin peel - chen pi), fennel, green tea (no more than two cups a day) and grapefruit peel.
Combinations - ginger, dried citrus peel and mint; ginger, dried citrus peel and 2 Chinese red dates (jujube/da zao); ginger, citrus peel and brown sugar/honey; green tea, fennel and citrus peel.
Possible beneficial foods: lentils, millet, rice, chicken soup, beef broth/stock, carrots, peppermint, ginger, almonds, eggs, beans and pea products, lean pork, plums.
Foods that may aggravate morning sickness: greasy, fatty foods and acidic foods like chilli, garlic, cinnamon, lamb, coffee, excess black and green tea, red wine, crab/crayfish, citrus fruit (the peel is usually fine).
Lemon, citrus or other essential oils that work might help to cover any unsavoury smells that make nausea and vomiting worse (Betts, 2009)
Ingredients such as dried mandarin peel/chen pi, dried red dates/jujube/da zao – or hong zao (seedless), baby rose/mei hua gua and others from the recipe section can be purchased from most Asian grocers. You can make your own dried citrus peel by drying it on a plate in the sun or a warm dry place over a few days (the older it is the stronger it’s properties). It can also be done in a dehydrater/slow low heat in the oven.
Acupressure Points
Acupressure points below (images from A Manual of Acupuncture) may be useful in reducing nausea during pregnancy.
Seabands can be purchased from many pharmacys and are used on Neiguan P-6 (Betts, 2006).
References for food lists come from the following sources…
Betts, D (2009). Nausea during pregnancy. Retrieved from
Betts, D. (2006). The essential guide to acupuncture in pregnancy & childbirth. England, The Journal of Chinese Medicine Ltd.
Farrell, Y. & Erlich, L. (2012, April 21 & 22 - live). Eight extras and the childbearing cycle: Complete course. Recorded online webinar, Pro D seminars, Los Angeles. Leggett, D. (2009, March, 7). Seminar presented at the New Zealand school of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, Auckland, NZ.
Liu, J. & Peck, G. (1998). Chinese dietary therapy. Edinburgh, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone. Lu, H.C. (2005). Chinese natural food cures: Traditional methods for remedy and prevention. New York, NY, Black Dog & Levanthal Publishers Inc.
Maciocia, G. (1998). Obstetrics & gynecology in Chinese medicine. Edinburgh, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone.
Pitchford, P. (2002). Healing with wholefoods, 3rd ed. Berkeley, CA, North Atlantic Books.